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Karmjot Randhawa
Karmjot Randhawa
County Director
(559) 243-6564

UC Cooperative Extension
145 Tozer St. Suite 103
Madera, CA 93638
Office Phone: (559) 675-7879
Fax: (559) 675-0639


Hours of Operation:
(Closed from 1:00-2:00pm For Lunch)

Tree Fruit Pest Identification and Monitoring Cards

Carry these pocket-size laminated cards in the field as handy references for idnetifying and monitoring major insect and mite pests and several important diseases in California deciduous tree fruits and nuts. Each pest is identified by a description and close-up photographs of important life stages. Cards identifying important natural enemies are also included. The information on these 32 cards will help pest control advisors and growers know how and when to look for these pests - both in growing and dormant seasons. References are provided to the appropriate UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines and IPM Manuals for management information. Everyone involved in pest managment in tree crops will want a set of these hand cards. Publication #3426 - $15.00 This publication is available at the Madera County University of California Cooperative Extension Office.