County Director
UC Cooperative Extension
145 Tozer St. Suite 103
Madera, CA 93638
Office Phone: (559) 675-7879
Fax: (559) 675-0639
Information regarding various viticultural practices is disseminated through phone calls, personal contacts, newsletters, field days, articles in various viticultural magazines and monthly grower meetings. In addition, Madera County growers are also made aware of other programs in neighboring counties where additional information can be obtained. Continued improvement in varieties, irrigation practices, trellis design, nutrition, and pest and disease management have brought about improved production practices which have allowed growers to continue high production of grapes in a safe, ecological manner. Today, many of the long term pests and dieseases continue to be a serious concern while new problems continue to emerge for Madera County growers.
To subscribe to "Vine Lines" log on to http://ucanr.org/sites/viticulture-fresno/Vine_Lines_Newsletter/