This week in the garden: July 5 - 11

Jul 5, 2024

“Sweet flowers are slow and weeds make haste” ~ Shakespeare


  • Water camellias regularly to avoid bud drop during bloom season.
  • If you have nematode problems in your vegetable garden, summer is the time to solarize your soil.
  • Rinse dust off foliage, especially the underside of leaves, to discourage spider mites.
  • Wash white flies off plants with insecticidal soap.


  • Cut spent canes of caneberries to the ground after harvest. Attach new canes to the trellis for next year's crop.


  • Apply high potassium fertilizer once fruit starts to form on pepper, cucumber, sunflower and tomato plants.


  • A few winter vegetables may be planted by seed this month. Consult the California Garden Web ( for more information.
  • If not already done, pumpkins may be planted in July.

Enjoy now

  • Annuals and perennials: Russian sage (Perovskia), annual phlox (Phlox drummondii), moss rose (Portulaca), gloriosa daisy (Rudbeckia), marigold (Tagetes), zinnia.
  • Bulbs, corms, tubers: daylily (Hemerocallis), tiger lily (Tigridia).
  • Trees, shrubs, vines: lantana, oleander (Nerium).
  • Fruits and vegetables: peaches, plum, tomatoes, zucchini.

Things to ponder:

  • Rebuild water basins around deep-rooted permanent plants; water deeply and less frequently.
  • Watch for the bright orange twining stems of the parasitic plant dodder. Remove any affected plants.

By Terry Lewis
Prepared by