This week in the garden: July 26 - Aug. 1

Jul 26, 2024

This week in the garden: July 26 - Aug. 1

Jul 26, 2024

Catch up on the TLC for your houseplants. Fertilize house plants lightly, repot as necessary and replace soil.


  • Water citrus on a regular schedule to maintain even soil moisture. Continuously wet soil in the upper few inches risks root rot.
  • Renew mulch, 3 to 4 inches deep, to help retain soil moisture.
  • Drain standing water. Water in even the very smallest container, can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


  • Cut back selected annuals and perennials to encourage growth and rebloom: alyssum, dianthus, coreopsis, million bells (Callibrachoa), catmint (Nepeta), and penstemon.
  • Remove tendrils and vigorous shoots from wisteria.
  • Prune bougainvillea to promote better flowering.


  • Avoid planting annuals and perennials unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Start seeds of early spring annuals for later transplanting to your garden. Ideally work in an area that does not get late afternoon sun.

Enjoy now

  • Annuals and perennials: coreopsis, blanket flower (Gaillardia), globe amaranth (Gomphrena), sunflower (Helianthus), strawflower (Helichrysum), day lily (Hemerocallis).
  • Bulbs, corms, tubers: gladiolus.
  • Trees, shrubs, vines: crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia), oleander (Nerium).
  • Fruits and vegetables: cilantro, melon, nectarine, okra, peach, peppers, potatoes.

Things to ponder

  • Dispose of fallen fruit, which harbors pests.
  • Keep water away from trunks of trees and crowns of plants to reduce the potential for disease.
  • Sudden limb drop can occur in large, otherwise healthy trees especially during hot summer days in drought years.  Regular deep irrigation in summer - one to two times weekly - may lessen the frequency of such damage.

By Terry Lewis
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