Jan 24, 2025
Ornamental and fruit-bearing trees will begin to bloom this month in home gardens and along the Blossom Trail in eastern Fresno County.
- Check your sprinklers and turn them off when the amount of rain permits.
- Make sure trees are getting enough water. Avoid overhead irrigation if frost is expected.
- Evergreens, shrubs such as pittosporum and podocarpus, and deciduous trees and fruit and nut trees - except apricot, oleander and olive.
- Fertilize fall-planted annuals and perennials. Apply one-third of the needed annual amount of fertilizer to deciduous fruit and nut trees.
- Consider the needs of your plants before planting and put shade-loving and sun-loving plants in appropriate locations.
- Bare root planting season ends in early February.
- Fruits and vegetables: asparagus, cabbage, chard.
Enjoy now
- Annuals and perennials: snapdragon (Antirrhinum), calendula, Lenten rose (helleborus orientalis).
- Bulbs, corms, tubers: crocus.
- Trees, shrubs, vines: camellias.
- Fruits and vegetables: bok choy, cabbage, chard, grapefruit.
Things to ponder
- Be aware of the continuing threat of frost damage - almond blossoms, citrus, and avocados are at risk at 29 degrees or lower.