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"Three Sisters" Demonstration Garden

Three Sisters Garden

Madera Iris
Thank you Madera Library Ignacio Negrete and Krista Riggs for the wonderful video of the Three Sisters Garden! 

Click here to watch our latest video about the Three Sisters Garden.

The Three Sisters Garden is open and Master Gardeners are there working on Tuesday mornings. 8:00 to 10:00 


college Madera mascot
Visitors are also required to present proof of being fully vaccinated. Spectators attending an indoor athletic, academic, or art event must show proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID-19 test with a specimen taken no more than 72 hours before entry into District facilities. A person wearing a face covering regardless of vaccination status may temporarily enter District facilities for up to 15 minutes to use restroom facilities, drop off or pick up items or equipment, or food from the pantry.

All Covid guidelines for the Madera Community College will be in effect. Please click here to read what is required. 

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(Parking on campus is available in 3 parking lots: Parking Lot A, Parking Lot B, and Parking Lot C. Daily parking lot passes are available for $1.00 from our parking lot kiosks.)

More about the garden

Three Sisters Garden

The Three Sisters Demonstration Garden is a large project developed by University of California Cooperative Extension Madera County Master Gardener's program in collaboration with Madera Community College Center as a permanent resource for residents of Madera County.

Developments to date has been made possible by considerable community support.

All monies raised from the annual Madera County Master Gardener Glorious Garden Tour goes to support the demonstration garden.


Certified Wildlife Habitat with the National Wildlife Federation

WildlifeHabitat Madera Garden
Wildlife Habitat: In October 2019, The Three Sisters Garden became a Certified Wildlife Habitat with the National Wildlife Federation (Certification #236311)
Human activity has changed and eliminated habitat, locally, and on the
global scale, and birds, butterflies, and other wildlife are pushed into
ever-shrinking wilderness areas. Providing a sustainable habitat for
wildlife begins with plants. Creating a wildlife garden reverses some of
the human-caused habitat destruction that is hurting wildlife. Our wildlife
garden includes and what a Wildlife Habitat needs: Food (seeds, nectar,
fruit, pollen), Water, Cover, Places to raise young, and Sustainable
Practices. How one manages their garden can have an effect on the health of the soil, air, water, and habitat for native wildlife as well as the human
community. To learn more visit:


That is it for now, but we have more projects in the works!

Little Free Library

Little Free Library Madera garden
Madera Master Gardeners had been busy preparing their Three SistersDemonstration Garden for the 2020 spring Garden Tour. Since that did notcome to pass, here are couple of the highlights we had hoped to showcase.

Little Free Library: To give back to the Community and support education -after all our Garden is on college grounds, a Little Free Library (Charter
#99333) was added. The Library was hand built and installed by Jim.
Little Free Libraries are a global phenomenon. The small book exchanges
number 60,000 around the world in 80 countries — from Iceland to Tasmaniato Pakistan. Now, our Little Free Library will join the movement to share books, bring people together and create communities of readers. We had hoped to host a grand-opening party as part of the Garden Tour, so that might be in the plans for the 2021 Tour. To learn more, please visit

Visit the Garden

Three Sisters Demonstration Garden (behind Madera Community College Center)
30277 Avenue 12
Madera, CA 93638
Gates are open / Master Gardeners work on Tuesday

Get Directions
Map of Three Sisters Garden

Three Sisters Garden map