![Karmjot Randhawa Karmjot Randhawa](http://ucanr.edu/sites/fts/files/310850display.jpg)
County Director
UC Cooperative Extension
145 Tozer St. Suite 103
Madera, CA 93638
Office Phone: (559) 675-7879
Fax: (559) 675-0639
4-H Glossary
ACHIEVEMENT PINS - Pins are awarded at the end of the 4-H Year to members who complete a project.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - A positive action program of 4-H member and volunteer recruitment to ensure that young people and adults from all segments of society are given equal opportunity and encouragement to participate in all 4-H programs.
ALL STARS - The highest rank that a 4-H member can achieve at the county level. All members eligible who are 16 years old by State Leadership Conference, been members of 4-H for two years and be a Teen Leader in a project the eyar they serve as of All Stars, attained or working on gold star rank, have given a presentation at County Presentation Day: Seved as a TLAW, Jr. Camp Counselor, completed an Emerald Satar Plan OR Chaired a Club Community Service.
ASSISTANT LEADER - An Assistant Leader is a volunteer who is willing to assume the responsibility for handling short-term assignments. Volunteers in this leadership role can help in many ways. Many will have other commitments that restrict the amount of time they can give to 4-H. They may be able to help for a few hours or a few days at such things as: camp, exhibit days, fairs, demonstration days, presentation programs, achievement nights, training conferences, and county, regional and state events. There are other special short-term tasks such as handling recreation at a club meeting, serving as chaperones at events or providing transportation when needed. There are many important jobs in 4-H take only a short time and the Assistant Leader is a valuable helper. Like the Organization Leader position, the Assistant Leader position is not geographically restricted.
CALIFORNIA 4-H LEADER'S FORUM - Seminars and workshops in leadership that are held on weekends every year. The forum is for volunteers only. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for leaders to exchange ideas.
CALIFORNIA INCENTIVES AND AWARDS PROGRAM - This program brings together the scholarships, trips, medals, certificates, and other awards that are available to 4-H members. Recognition is a basic human need and comes in both extrinsic and intrinsic forms. The awards in this program are extrinsic, material recognition for work well done.
CALIFORNIA STATE FAIR - A statewide fair held in late summer and open to the best exhibits of 4-H members. Premium books and entry blanks can be obtained from the County 4-H Office.
CALIFORNIA STATE 4-H LEADERS' COUNCIL - A group of representatives from Regional 4-H Leaders' Councils who develop proposals for improving 4-H work in California.
CHARTER - A 4-H Charter is granted to 4-H members when the minimum requirements are met to start a 4-H club. See the Secretary's Book for a list of these requirements.
CHARTER SEAL - An award given to a 4-H group that has reached the goals it planned to attain at the beginning of the year. Seals may be gold, blue, or green and are placed on the charter.
CITIZENSHIP SHORT COURSE - Each summer, the National 4-H Council sponsors a series of week-long citizenship training workshops for older 4-H members from all over the United states. Delegates stay at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C., attend training sessions, and tour historic centers and government agencies and buildings as part of this in-depth citizenship training program.
COMMUNITY PRIDE - A community awareness project that gives members an opportunity to learn more about the community in which they live determine community needs, and participate in programs designed to fulfill these needs.
COMMUNITY SERVICE - A project or an event undertaken by a club, project group, or an individual 4-H member to help make the community a better place in which to live.
COOPERATIVE EXTENSION - An organization established May 8, 1914, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Smith-Lever Act, which directed Cooperative Extension "to aid in diffusing among the peoples of the United States . . . useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture and home economics" by means of "instruction and practical demonstrations." Congress clearly intended to create an educational program, and wanted it to include work with young people. This educational program is a cooperative effort between three levels of government: the United States Department of Agriculture at the federal level; the University of California at the state level; and the county Board of Supervisors at the local level.
COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - The elected officers of the County 4-H Council and those designated by the by-laws of the County 4-H Council.
COUNTY 4-H COUNCIL - Made up of volunteers. All volunteers are automatically members of the County 4-H Council. With the guidance of 4-H Youth Advisors, this group plans, implements, and evaluates county 4-H programs. Officers are elected annually, and the group generally meets regularly. This organization may undertake one or more major fund-raising efforts each year. It may also establish an executive committee to transact business and make decisions for the Council. Older 4-Her's may be members of the County 4-H Council.
DEMONSTRATION - A planned presentation by one or two 4-H members that teaches, by illustration or example, information related to a project or event. A member's first demonstration is usually at the project level where he or she is asked to show other members how to perform a particular skill. This may be developed into a more formal presentation that can be given at 4-H meetings, at school, or for other groups of people.
EMBLEM - The 4-H emblem is a green four-leaf clover on a white background. There is a white H on each cloverleaf. This was adopted as the national symbol about 1911.
EVENT - A planned, educational opportunity for 4-H members to learn through group participation. It is learning by doing. Events are held at the club, county, regional, state, and national levels. Examples of club and county events are camps, fairs, exhibit days, judging, fashion reviews, demonstrations, fun nights, recognition dinners, and similar programs.
EXCHANGE - A get-acquainted experience where 4-H members from one county are housed for a few days during the summer with the families of 4-H members in another county. The exchange may be between two California counties or between a California county and another state. The Host County's 4-Her later makes a return visit.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - A county committee that is a part of the County 4-H Council. Executive committee's plan, implements, and evaluates county 4-H events. Committees are composed of volunteers and 4-H members.
FAIR - An event where 4-H members may exhibit their projects. Information about county and district fairs can be obtained from your County 4-H Office.
FASHION REVUE - The 4-H Fashion Revue is a county event. Judging is based on the appearance of the garment, its appropriateness for the individual, and on how well the garment is made. At the county level, gold medals are awarded to up to 10 percent of the contestants and a county winner is selected. The Fashion Revue is open to boys and girls enrolled in the Clothing Project.
4-H CLUB - A 4-H Club is a group of 4-H members who meet regularly to conduct business, learn about projects, take part in community service events, and enjoy recreation. These groups have elected officers, a constitution and by-laws and a treasury maintained by fund-raising efforts. Most 4-H groups meet monthly. Members plan a yearly program for meetings and events in advance. All 4-H members, volunteers, and parents attend to share information about the club, and about district, county, regional, state, and national 4-H events.
4-H MEMBER - Any young person who is 7 years old (or in the 2nd grade) can become a primary member. Those that are 9 years old (or in the 4th grade), but is not yet 19 may become a regular 4-H member, regardless of race, color, or national origin. A member may remain active in 4-H until the end of the calendar year in which he or she becomes 19 years old. Exceptions may be made for experimental programs .
4-H MOTTO - To make the best better.
4-H PLEDGE - As a loyal 4-H member, I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
HI 4-H - An organization for older 4-H members. They assist and support the county 4-H program. The group plans, organizes, evaluates, and participates in events, such as exchange trips, conferences, and various events. A Hi 4-H member is a 4-Her who is in the 9th grade or above.
INSURANCE - Accident insurance is mandatory for every 4-H member and volunteer. This insurance covers members and volunteers on the way to and from, or at, any planned 4-H work. In addition to this policy, the University of California provides liability insurance coverage for all 4-H volunteers when officially engaged in 4-H work. This liability insurance is provided at no cost to the volunteer.
JUDGING - An educational event that develops the ability to make decisions. It expands a 4-H member's knowledge and understanding of qualities and standards. At judging events, 4-H members learn to make observations, comparisons, decisions, and to give reasons. This event may be part of any project. Judging begins at the project level and is an important addition to 4-H meetings and county events. County wide judging field days is held where 4-H members compete in one or several judging contests.
JUDGING, AMERICAN SYSTEM - A method of judging (evaluation) where all competing entries are placed in a consecutive order, according to quality. There is only one first place winner, one-second-place winner, etc.
JUDGING, DANISH SYSTEM - A method of judging based on standards where all entries meeting the requirement for a given standard receive the same award. For example, there may be a blue ribbon group, a red ribbon group, or a white ribbon group. There is no restriction on the number of each award given.
JUNIOR LEADER - A Junior Leader is a 6th, 7th or 8th grade 4-H member who is enrolled in the leadership development project. Junior Leaders carry out planned leadership responsibilities under the supervision of volunteers.
MANAGEMENT TEAM - The officers of a local or project club, unit, or group, including the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Reporter. The Organization Leader serves as a coach for the management team, and helps them learn leadership and management skills, and how to use these skills effectively.
MEDALS - Symbols of recognition for work well done.
NATIONAL 4-H COUNCIL - A non-profit organization that uses private resources to assist Cooperative Extension advance the membership, leadership, and influence of the 4-H Youth Program. It was organized in 1976 when the National 4-H Service Committee and the National 4-H Foundation merged to form the National 4-H Council. The Council carries on a board range of educational, information, and technical functions to aid several million 4-H members, volunteers, and 4-H Youth Advisors. The Council's services are made possible through the generous support of hundreds of public-spirited donor organizations and individuals.
NATIONAL 4-H WEEK - A nationwide observance held in the fall. Clubs are encouraged to participate by having displays and special programs publicizing 4-H.
OFFICER TRAINING - A program designed for the 4-H members who have been elected to help a club or group attain its goals. Usually the officers include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Reporter.
ORGANIZATION LEADER - An organization Leader is a volunteer who is willing to assume the responsibility of helping a group handle the administrative tasks that must be done if the group is to be effective. A volunteer in this leadership role helps others learn management skills such as planning, organizing, communicating, coordinating, directing the work of others, and evaluating progress and results. This person may work with local clubs, groups, or units, or with special interest groups, or with various events and activities. There is no geographic restriction this position and the Organization leader may function at the local level or at the county, regional, state, or national level.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FORM - A form (4-H-1071) that starts at the beginning of the 4-H year as a plan and at the end of the year summarizes a member's participation in 4-H work.
PREMIUM BOOKS - A publication of any fair. It lists the competition classes that are offered and the prizes that are available for the various classes.
PRESENTATION DAY - A planned educational event, competitive in nature. At this event, 4-H members give demonstrations which are judged competitively by a team of judges using standard score sheets. "Share the Fun" talent presentations (competitive acts given by 4-H members using drama, music, comedy, and other types of program material suitable for 4-H audiences) and Public Speaking may also be a part of this event.
PROJECT - A planned unit of work, using the learning by doing concept in a specific skill or interest area carried out by a member or group of members with the supervisions and guidance of a volunteer or a Teen Leader.
PROJECT LEADER - A Project Leader is a volunteer who is willing to assume the responsibility of helping 4-H members acquire knowledge, attitudes, skills, and habits through the learning by doing activities that are inherent in a specific project. A volunteer in this leadership role channels the enthusiasm, energy, and curiosity of boys and girls towards new experiences. The project often plays the largest role in a member's 4-H work. Members are highly motivated because they take projects, which interest them. As they gain competence, 4-H members acquire the courage to tackle more difficult tasks. The Project Leader encourages young people to set goals that they can attain and measure. Like the Organization Leader position, the Project Leader position is not restricting geographically.
PROJECT MEETING - A meeting of 4-H members, where the members learn specific knowledge or skills about a particular subject.
REGIONAL FIELD DAY - A chance for the county gold medal winners to compete against the gold medal winners of other counties in demonstrations, Public Speaking, and "Share the Fun" activities.
SECTIONAL 4-H LEADER'S COUNCIL - A group of representatives of County 4-H Councils who meet to develop and recommend program changes to the California State 4-H Leader's Council. They may plan, implement, and evaluate regional events.
RESOURCE LEADER - A Resource Leader is a volunteer who is willing to assume the responsibility for handling special assignments. A volunteer in this leadership role may have expertise in a specific project, in administration, management, or leadership. This person may be highly skilled at recruiting volunteers or organizing events and activities. Teaching other volunteers is also an assignment that this person may handle well. In other words, a Resource Leader is a person with expertise in any one of hundreds of fields that may be beneficial to 4-H. While a Resource Leader may work with a local club, usually his or her talents are in demand over a much larger area. For administrative purposes, a Resource Leader may be attached to the County 4-H Office or a local club. Like the Organization Leader position, the Resource Leader position has no geographical restrictions.
STAR RANKS - A system that provides an opportunity for 4-H members to focus on planning and evaluating goals that are attainable and measurable. Any 4-H member can attain the ranks of Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and All Stars. Selection committees determine diamond Star awards .
STATE 4-H CONFERENCE - A conference of delegates from all the counties. It is held each year in one section on University campuses, Northern California or Southern California. Each year, information is sent to the County 4-H Office about the requirements for participation .
SUMMER CAMP - To development outdoor education that also provides a time for summer fun. Older 4-H members and volunteers plan the program, which includes hikes, campfires, and training in the biological sciences.
TEEN LEADER - A 4-H member who is in the 9th grade or above and who is enrolled in the leadership development project. Teen Leaders carry out planned leadership responsibilities with the guidance of volunteers.
YOUTH ADVISOR, 4-H - California's 4-H Youth Advisors have two major roles. They are leaders who influence the actions of people interested in young people and they are managers of educational programs. They are academic faculty members of the University of California and have the authority to conduct the county 4-H programs as outlined by the County Director.