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Karmjot Randhawa
Karmjot Randhawa
County Director
(559) 243-6564

UC Cooperative Extension
145 Tozer St. Suite 103
Madera, CA 93638
Office Phone: (559) 675-7879
Fax: (559) 675-0639


Hours of Operation:
(Closed from 1:00-2:00pm For Lunch)

Garden Advice Ask Us

CA Center for Urban Horticulture

Located at the University of California, Davis, the California Center for Urban Horticulture (CCUH) draws upon the knowledge and expertise of our partners in academia, industry, and public agencies.

We provide management strategies and practices for conserving water and improving water efficiency for public audiences, to horticulture and landscape design industry, in addition to local and state agencies.

Visit website for more resources and contact 

State IPM Program UC IPM Website
Events and workshops: English and Spanish 

Quick Tip Cards

Quick Tip cards may be accessed at UC IPM Online.  Choose from Ants, Aphids, Fleas, Spider Mites, Powdery Mildew, Pesticides: Safe and Effective Use in the Home and Landscape, Garden Chemicals: Safe Use and Disposal and more. 

Quick Tips Library in English

Notas Breves en Español


“A Gardener’s Companion for the Central San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition (2017).

Information on this page is adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Central San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition (2017). Get your copy from  Fresno County Master Gardeners for $37.50 (price includes tax & shipping). Makes a great gift for all your gardening friends. Download the form and send with your check,
payable to MGAFC to:
P.O. Box 4673
Fresno, CA 93744


 Gardening questions answered at mgfresno@ucanr.edu.

Find an Arborist Results
Tree Care online resourses?

Thank you: Dave Wilson Nursery for your wonderful online resources about trees. 

Click here to see the videos posted about Tree care.